Create a Todo List with SvelteKit
Table of Contents
- Install SvelteKit
- HTML Setup of Todo List
- Adding JavaScript Functionality to Todo List
- CSS Styling of Todo List
- Adding CSS to HTML Through JavaScript in Svelte
- Adding Visual Animation on HTML Component directly in Svelte
Install SvelteKit
Install NodeJs to use node package manager
Go to NodeJs and download the latest version of NodeJs.
Or you go to my full guide on How to Install NodeJs
npm create latest@svelte todo-list
cd todo-list
npm install
npm run dev
Add --host
tag after npm run dev
to run the app in your local network.
npm run dev --host
HTML Setup of Todo List
Firstly Open up the +page.svelte file and add the following Html code:
<div class="board">
<input placeholder="what needs to be done?" on:keydown={keydown} bind:value={inputValue} />
<div class="TodosndDone">
<div class="todoBox left">
{#each todos.filter((t) => !t.done) as todo (}
<input type="checkbox" on:change={() => mark(todo, true)} />
<div class="todoTextBox">{todo.description}</div>
<button on:click={() => remove(todo)}>X</button>
<div class="todoBox right">
{#each todos.filter((t) => t.done) as todo (}
<input type="checkbox" checked on:change={() => mark(todo, false)} />
<div class="todoTextBox">{todo.description}</div>
<button on:click={() => remove(todo)}>X</button>
Now almost all of the html is done, now we need to add some java script functionality to make work. as we can see we have red underline under keydown
, inputValue
, todos
, mark
& remove
Let’s start with keydown
& inputValue
as these 2 are for the Input value that we are going to put in to add the todos, It also includes Add
function to add it to the list.
Adding JavaScript Functionality to Todo List
Start with adding <script lang="ts">
tag on top of the component
<script lang="ts">
// Input Function
let inputValue = '';
const keydown = (e: KeyboardEvent): void => {
if (e.key === 'Enter' && inputValue !== '') add( as HTMLInputElement);
You’ll now see an error underline under add
function as we have not created an add
to-do function, now lets create that function but first create sample todos with uids
Copy and Paste this code in script tag anywhere after keydown
function, We are just making a todo varaiable with some values.
//Todo Functions
let uid = 1;
let todos = [
{ id: uid++, done: false, description: 'This is the first Task' },
{ id: uid++, done: false, description: 'This is the second Task' },
{ id: uid++, done: true, description: 'This is the Completed Task' }
Then Right after that add this add
const add = (input: HTMLInputElement) => {
const todo = {
id: uid++,
done: false,
description: input.value
todos = [todo, ...todos];
inputValue = '';
CSS Styling of Todo List
Let’s just add some simple css to make more understandable.
Create a css file and import it in our project.
I would recommend to create that file in the lib
folder alias that is available inside svelte.
create a file in src/lib/asster/app.css
and paste this css in that file
* {
font-family: sans-serif;
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
h2 {
text-align: center;
height: 30px;
.TodosndDone {
display: flex;
width: 100%;
.todoBox {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 50%;
border: 1px solid black;
label {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
position: relative;
padding: 6px 4px;
background-color: #eee;
.todoTextBox {
width: 100%;
.board {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
overflow-x: hidden;
/* no scrollbar */
.board > input {
font-weight: bold;
width: calc(100vw - 40px);
height: 50px;
font-size: 20px;
padding: 0 20px;
border: none;
border-bottom: 1px solid black;
button {
text-indent: 100000%;
background-color: transparent;
border: none;
transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
background: no-repeat 50% 50%
url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'%3E%3Cpath fill='%56676778' d='M12,2C17.53,2 22,6.47 22,12C22,17.53 17.53,22 12,22C6.47,22 2,17.53 2,12C2,6.47 6.47,2 12,2M17,7H14.5L13.5,6H10.5L9.5,7H7V9H17V7M9,18H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,17V10H8V17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E");
button:hover {
cursor: pointer;
background: no-repeat 50% 50%
url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23676778' d='M12,2C17.53,2 22,6.47 22,12C22,17.53 17.53,22 12,22C6.47,22 2,17.53 2,12C2,6.47 6.47,2 12,2M17,7H14.5L13.5,6H10.5L9.5,7H7V9H17V7M9,18H15A1,1 0 0,0 16,17V10H8V17A1,1 0 0,0 9,18Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E");
Adding CSS to HTML Through JavaScript in Svelte
Now import the file into that component +page.svelte
Add this after <script lang="ts">
// add after <script> tag on top
import '$lib/assets/app.css';
We are seeing error underline under mark
and remove
as these 2 functions are not created yet, so lets create them without wasting any time.
Add these 2 functions under that script tag under add
const remove = (todo: { id: number }) => {
todos = todos.filter((t) => t !== todo);
const mark = (todo: { id: number; done: boolean; description: string }, done: boolean): void => {
todo.done = done;
todos = todos.concat(todo);
Now the todo app is done. We have successfully made our first app, congratulations.
Now there’s something to do to make it more interesting, so let’s do some design improvement, as this channel’s name is Code of Design
Adding Visual Animation on HTML Component directly in Svelte
Svelte is an amazing framework designed by Web Viz artist
we have some good animation functionality already installed in svelte as a built in feature
To get it starting and working
we have to import that liberary into the codebase
Start with Copy & Pasting the following code after <script lang="ts">
import { quintOut } from 'svelte/easing';
import { crossfade } from 'svelte/transition';
Now make a function that use css to animate the progress of task
const [send, receive] = crossfade({
duration: (d) => Math.sqrt(d * 200),
fallback(node, params) {
const style = getComputedStyle(node);
const transform = style.transform === 'none' ? '' : style.transform;
return {
duration: 600,
easing: quintOut,
css: (t) => `
transform: ${transform} scale(${t});
opacity: ${t}
now add them to the <label>
tag of both todos and done boxes
Change the <label>
tag of both the divs to the following
<label in:recieve={{ key: }} out:send={{ key: }}>
Hope you Enjoyed the tutorial If you have any question or suggestion, please comment on the youtube video. Thankyou.